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There should be no restrictions for education

We are reshaping Homeworkify. As you all know the original homeworkify was taken down by Google as they were involved in fraudulent activity (as they were displaying data from other websites). 

Being a student also used it sometimes. Still, as soon as I came to know that it’s illegal, and looking at the problem all my fellow students were facing, I gathered a team of experts along with developers to create a better version of homeworkify where We are now helping Students more Ethically. Please visit about us page to learn more about our story and Mission

Education should be accessible to everyone, without any financial burden. Homeworkify is a non-profit organization that aims to provide free and unrestrained access to knowledge. We are now using AI to help students get better in studies. The Homeworkify project is entirely legal, as there is no law that prohibits the dissemination of knowledge.

In our opinion, Academic Help & Tutoring services currently violate basic human rights by restricting access to information and knowledge behind a paywall. We believe that access to education should be free and readily available to everyone.

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